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EMDR Therapy
(Eye Movement Desensitisation & 

EMDR is an effective approach that can have effective results faster than other methods of treatment. EMDR differs from CBT in that its treatment targets past unprocessed memories that are connected to the triggers and symptoms you are having in the present. Clients do not have to share their past memories if they don't want to. It is not essential for this treatment to work which is a positive difference to CBT for some. 

Example cases
A client who is anxious in social situations may past experiences that have similar themes to the recent experiences that have triggered the problem. By going back to process and resolve those past memories the client can then have reduced anxiety going forward. EMDR also helps address any triggers still present and helps skill the client for future scenarios such as speaking in a group or busy areas. 

Similarly with a client suffering with PTSD, there can often be past traumas that are linked to the most recent event. By addressing the earlier memories this can resolve many other traumas that occurred were more recent.

EMDR has several phases within its treatment starting with an assessment. We then identify and develop healthy strategies to manage your mood and distress before we move on to processing past experiences, current triggers and ways to manage future situations related to the problem. 

EMDR can be used with recent trauma only if clients prefer not to visit the earlier memories. of course this would be discussed in our sessions and your wishes and plans for our time together will be agreed. EMDR can also be used effectively for traumatic Grief and Bereavement.          

Sessions can often be longer between 60 and 90 minutes during the sessions where we process past experiences

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