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Clinical Supervision

I can offer regular supervision for both qualified CBT therapists and those engaged in CBT training. 
I attended IAPT approved Clinical supervision training for Psychological well-being practitioners and a similar course for CBT therapists. 

CBT Trainees 
I have experience supporting trainee High intensity therapists through their training to qualification. I am aware of the expectations of the course and how to develop skills within the Roth and Pilling competency framework to support you. As your supervisor we would make time to discuss cases, listen and reflect on recordings using the CTS-R and would complete any written reports/evaluations through your training as required. There may be an option depending on current supervisees I am supporting to be able to offer an additional Group/Peer Supervision session. Or alternatively Clinical skills sessions on particular topics which would help develop your skills and sharing of resources on the topic we discuss. These would also count towards your qualification. 

Qualified CBT therapists and other wellbeing practitioners. I have experience supporting qualified therapist with different levels of training. I have also supported therapists become BABCP Accredited. Whether it is regular supervision is required or you have a goal of becoming accredited I can support and you and your practice. 

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